Archive for Manic Organic

Manic Organic

If you know me well…you know that I am the worlds worst eater.  If I were to try and quit eating all the bad things I eat…well lets just say it would pretty much be everything I eat.  Over Christmas I started reading a book by an extremest to say the least.  I took most of the advise with a grain of salt, but one thing that stuck with me was the benefits of eating organically.  I noticed that I felt a lot better (not so sluggish) when I cut out some of the junk I was eating and replaced it with organic meats.  You can purchase some excellent chicken, pork, and other meats at publix for very reasonable prices.  I usually get the chicken tenderloins which contains about 7 strips anywhere from $4.50 to $5.65.  I have been eating the organic chicken since about January and can tell a major difference in other store baught inorganic meats.  One of the major benefits I have found is the ease of digestion with the organic meat.  I have tried other organic products like pasta, corn, peanut butter, jelly etc. and have found them to be great as well.  When you get into purchasing  a lot of organic at once it can be expensive.  But the main thing is I have found satisfaction in knowing tha I am eating a little bit healthier and that I can reach my goal of one day eating vegetables one small step at a time:)